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My signature does not display with the Signitic add-in

You have installed the add-in but the signature does not display or only displays when you click on the add-in?

This probably means that the installation procedure was not followed. To fix this issue, you must first check your add-ins:

Check my add-ins on Outlook:

To do this, you can click on the "..." then "Get Add-ins". If this is complicated, you can also follow this link which will open the add-ins window in your browser:

Web version:


Then you can click on My add-ins:

If your installation is correct, then the Add-in should be found in "Managed by the administrator"

Correct installation:

Incorrect Installation:

You will need to remove the add-in and then wait for the add-in to redeploy correctly.

If your problem persists, do not hesitate to contact support via live chat.

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