The signature does not appear.
The signature appears in text format.
Signature images appear disproportionate in your signature.
To ensure your signature displays correctly, HTML format must be enabled.
You can check if your message format is in HTML when opening a new email.

1️⃣ Enable HTML format on Outlook desktop client
Start by opening your Outlook application. Click on "File" then "Options" in the ribbon at the bottom left.
Once this is done, you need to click on "Mail" then go to the "Compose messages" section.

Make sure to select the HTML format, which is the only one compatible with your signature.
2️⃣Enable HTML format on the new version of Outlook
If you are using the new version of Outlook, here are the steps to enable HTML format.
Go to "Settings" (the gear icon at the top right of Outlook) then "Mail" then "Compose and reply", you can finally set the message format.

3️⃣Enable HTML format on the Web version of Outlook OWA
If you are using the WEB version of Outlook OWA, here are the steps to enable HTML format.
Go to "Settings" (the gear icon at the top right of Outlook) then "Mail" then "Compose and reply", you can finally set the message format.

By following these simple steps, you should be able to resolve display issues with your signature and enjoy an improved experience in your Outlook emails. :

If you have any other questions or need further assistance, do not hesitate to contact our support team for personalized help.