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Signature Outlook for iOS/Android

User guide for Outlook on iOS and Android

This guide is intended for users who wish to benefit from Signitic signatures on Outlook on their iOS or Android smartphone.

⚠️: Internal and external conditions management is not yet supported.

The operation is the same on both platforms. The most important thing is to respect the prerequisites:

  • Having Outlook 365 for the portability to be done on your iOS/Android smartphone.

  • The Outlook application must be updated for the signature to appear.

If you have all the prerequisites, simply open a new message on your smartphone and wait a few seconds for the signature to appear.

⚠️Known issue with smartphone add-ons ⚠️

In some cases, some users may not instantly have their signature.

To do this, it is necessary to activate the Signitic add-on in the list on your Smartphones.

Here are the steps to follow :

  • Open Outlook on the smartphone, then go to the application settings.

  • Open the “Add-ins” option.

  • In the list, look for Signitic, then tick the box on the right. If you've already done this, uncheck the box and do it again. If this doesn't solve the problem, then it's a question of deployment time on Microsoft's side.

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