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Add your signature to Apple Mail on your Iphone

MANUALLY add your signature to Apple Mail on your iPhone

If you're using Apple's Mail application on your iPhone, we have a solution for applying your signature to your e-mails.

This solution is manual, so it won't take into account any changes you make to your signature, and so the action will have to be redone in the event of a change.

1️⃣ Retrieve your signature

To retrieve your signature, you can follow this link, or retrieve your signature from an e-mail. (Copy the entire signature)

2️⃣ Adding your signature to your Iphone

Once you've retrieved your signature, you can add it to the Signature settings in your Mail application on your Iphone.

To do this, go to Settings, search for Mail and then scroll down until you find the Signature setting.

Paste the signature into the dedicated block:

All done !

Test your signature by sending an e-mail!

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