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Make an attribute visible/editable

Make an attribute visible or editable to use it in your model

Attributes are fields that allow you to retrieve information from the user's profile.

Some of these attributes are not enabled by default. Here is how to activate them or make them editable for your users.

1️⃣ Activate an attribute or make it editable

To do this, you can visit this link. It allows you to see the list of attributes, disable them, make them visible, or editable.

The inactive indicators show that the fields are not enabled. The "Visible" indicators show that the fields are active but not editable. The "Editable" indicators show that the field is visible and editable by the user.

To change this status, you can click on "Edit" and select the value you want.

There are several important fields; it's up to you to decide which ones you find most interesting.

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