Your Vcard subscription is activated, you now need to manage the small details regarding the setup of your Vcards.
1️⃣ Go to your settings
From your settings, select the "Vcard" tab in the left sidebar. Once this is done, activate your Vcard module if it is not already the case.
Once the module is activated, you will be able to manage the slug of your Vcards, example:

You will also be able to manage the personalized slugs of each user.

2️⃣ Generation of Your Slugs
Once you have made your choices regarding the format of your slugs, you can generate the slugs for your users.
To do this, click on the "Users" tab, then click on "Generate."

This allows you to generate slugs for users who do not already have them.
If you wish to modify your slugs for all your users, including those who already have them, feel free to contact our support through our chat available on our application.