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Deployment on RDS or via GPO

How to deploy the Signitic agent on RDS?

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This guide is needed only if the option to deploy the Signitic Add-in is not an option for you: See the article on Signitic Add-in prerequisites.

If you wish to deploy the Signitic agent on your RDS farm, we provide you with an .exe file and a script to run at the start of sessions:

Download the application

Attention, you must retrieve your API key on your Signitic account:

Where to find my API key

Where to find my API key for GPO deployment or custom connectors.

Option 1: Automatic installation and connection of the application on PCs via batch

Running this script allows the installation of the .exe application and automatic execution on your users' PCs:

REM Variables


set signiticPath=C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Signitic

set url=

set header=x-api-key: %apiKey%

set installer=F:\signitic-setup-4.0.0.exe

if exist "%signiticPath%\Signitic.exe" (
Echo Config Ok %username% >> "%signiticPath%\install.log"
) else (
mkdir %signiticPath%
Echo %username% >> "%signiticPath%\install.log"
Echo Install started >> "%signiticPath%\install.log"
start %installer%

curl --location --request GET %url% -H "%header%" > "%signiticPath%\config.json"

Your users now have access to Signitic on their machines and are connected.

Option 2: Automatic installation and connection of the application on workstations via Powershell

Running this script enables the installation of the .exe application and automatic execution on your users' workstations :

$BALUser = (Get-ADUser -Identity $env:USERNAME -Properties mail).mail

$apiKey = "The API number can be retrieved via"

$SigniticPath = "$($env:APPDATA)\Signitic"

$URL =$($BALUser)

$Header = "x-api-key:$($apiKey)"

(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URL -Method GET -Headers @{'x-api-key' = $apiKey}).content | Out-File "$($SigniticPath)\config.json" -Force -Encoding ascii

Your users will therefore be automatically connected to the agent.

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