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Manage Internal/External Domains

Manage internal/external domains with the add-in.

With the Signitic add-in, you can create conditions that allow you to have a different signature depending on whether your recipient is internal or external.

Add conditions on a block

How to add conditions to an entire block?

If you have added your 365 connector, the management of internal and external users is done automatically. Otherwise, to manage it manually you can go to your Connectors and then click on the add-in. You will then have access to your add-in settings:

The first option takes into account your 365 source connector when setting up internal and external domains:

The second option allows you to differentiate between internal and external users with specific domains only. This also enables you to bypass your 365 connector if you do not want certain domains to be considered internal.

The third option allows you to disable this differentiation:

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